
As a thought leader, we believe we have a responsibility to share our knowledge and know how. Through our participation in International Energy Agency’s taskforces, the Solar Electric Power Association and Utility Variable Integration Group as well as presentations to industry and community leaders, we share and support our vision for a smart energy future.
Below are selected presentations to these groups.

Gaining Visibility of Solar on the Distribution System

SEPA Solar Integration Workshop, April 30, 2015
• DMS vendors require utility direction on DER requirements
• DMS and Forecast vendors are partnering with utilities seeking to integrate DER into core electric distribution operatons (enhanced OMS/DMS) capabilities
• Numerous testbeds are required for DERMS and SPGC task-specific testing and validation
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Solar Power & Utilities: Today and Tomorrow

Author: Alexandre Pavlovski, Green Power Labs Inc.
Nova Scotia Power Customer Symposium, March 2015

An analysis, completed by the University of Cambridge and PwC, finds solar photovoltaic power is expected to reach grid parity in 80% of countries in the next two years. Grid parity is the crossover point at which a grid energy and solar energy have equal cost. As a result, we need to prepare, to develop and deploy new technologies that reflect the coming changes to how we manage the generation and distribution of electricity.

There is also significant opportunity in this evolving market for innovative Nova Scotia companies. The photovoltaics (solar electricity) market is expected to grow from $89.52 billion in 2013 to $345.59 billion by 2020. Green Power Labs is pleased to be working in this grid edge market. Our multi-disciplinary team together with internationally recognized researchers at our Nova Scotia universities are developing and testing predictive solutions that will support both the Nova Scotia and global change to a new energy future.
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Distributed PV Power Generation Forecasting for Distribution Management

Author: Chris Carter, Analyst, Green Power Labs Inc.
EU PVSEC, Amsterdam, September 23, 2014

San Diego Gas and Electric (SDG&E) service area has over 20 000 installed distributed PV (DG-PV) sites. DG-PV sites are installed in a behind-the-meter configuration and their output is currently not visible to SDG&E. In 2013, GPL and SDG&E developed an approach to account for DG-PV output in SDG&E’s DMS.
Developed DG-PV model capable of providing forecasts for tens of thousands of DG-PV sites at resolutions down to 5 minutely, and for horizons going out 120 hours. Capable of providing power data for unmonitored sites without known technical specifications. Allows DMS to account for increased load variability caused by increased DG-PV penetration.
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Decision Support for Solar Power Deployment: Geospatial Applications

Presentation to TECTERRA, 2013
An overview of Green Power Labs’ comprehensive technology platform for solar power integration including:
• High Resolution Solar Resource Mapping
• Site Selection & Resource Assessment
• Solar Resource & Power Monitoring
• Solar Resource & Power Forecasting
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