A smart grid is defined as an electricity network that can intelligently integrate the actions of all users connected to it - generators, consumers and those that do both - in order to efficiently deliver reliable, economic and secure electricity. Green Power Labs provides predictive analytics services to support efficient planning and advanced control of electricity grids in a dynamically changing utility paradigm of supply and demand.
In 1881 the first electrical utility began generating and sending electricity across a grid to its customers. The roles were clear: utilities generated or purchased electricity and delivered it to those who consumed it for heating their homes, running their factories and lighting their buildings. And utilities only used energy from sources they could dispatch with relative ease.
However, role and functions within the grid changed with the introduction of regulatory requirements and incentives to green the energy supply followed by a broad penetration of intermittent and non-dispatchable energy sources like solar and wind. At the same time, we committed to become more energy efficient. As a result, historical patterns of consumption and generation changed bringing a higher level of risk and uncertainty to utility operations.
Green Power Labs' global intelligent decision support solutions enable our clients to predict supply and demand, to determine the best courses of action, and to act quickly to minimize uncertainty and manage their risk.