Accurate, current multi-layered data allows for optimal design, build and operation of solar power plants.
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Integrated site specific approach to energy generation and management reduces risks and long term operating costs.
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Integrated analytics produces real time forecasts for effective, optimal electricity generation and distribution.
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Effective urban energy planning improves energy security, attracts and retains citizens and supports climate change initiatives.
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MR Control Systems International Inc. and Green Power Labs Inc. are delighted to announce an agreement to combine their leading clean technologies to provide modern and scalable smart building automation..
For decision-makers for energy applications, Green Power Labs is a software-as-a-service provider with the predictive energy analytics expertise to enable superior control in managing smart energy generation and consumption.
Our scientific depth and practical know-how is realized in automated predictive analytics solutions for smart energy management.
Green Power Labs represents Canada on the International Energy Agency Task Force 46 Solar Resource Assessment and Forecasting and Task Force 51 Solar Energy in Urban Planning.
We are actively involved in industry groups including the Utility Variable-Generation Integration Group, Canadian Solar Industries Association and have presented at industry related conferences in Canada, US, Europe and Asia.
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