ISO 9001 2008 Certification

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QMI-SAI Canada Limited Grants Green Power Labs Inc. ISO 9001:2008 Certification.

Today, Green Power Labs Inc. and its wholly owned US subsidiary, Green Power Labs LLC were granted ISO 9001:2008 certification following an intensive review and audit of the company’s solar energy mapping, monitoring, forecasting and sustainable energy services.

ISO 9001 certification is frequently used in both private and public sectors to increase confidence in the products and services provided by organizations, between partners in business-to-business relations, in the selection of suppliers in supply chains and in the right to tender for procurement contracts.

“We are extremely pleased to have successfully achieved the standards required for ISO 9001:2008 certification commented Dr. Alexandre Pavlovski, President and CEO of Green Power Labs Inc. Our team, under the guidance of our Chief Engineer and Quality Manager, Jim Fletcher, worked diligently to complete the required tasks and commit to ongoing improvements in our product development, delivery and customer service to maintain this important recognition of our company wide commitment to meeting the quality expectations of our clients” Pavlovski added.

Green Power Labs and its wholly owned subsidiaries in United States, Australia and Hong Kong are leading global predictive power analytics technology developers and service providers with a focus on solar power deployment.

Picture: World distribution of certificates in 2012. Source